

These beautiful Marimekko Weather Diary mugs (so kindly given to me as a Christmas present) sum up the weather recently….

…..it's been raining a lot here.  Don't get me wrong (I'm not complaining); I much prefer rain (without flooding) and still being able to get out and about than freezing with snow and ice and closed roads.

Yesterday we ran around the forest in a down pour; the mister said we were crazy.  My feet were soggy after the first three strides and then everything else got soggy too.  I discovered that running in the rain makes the car steam up a lot on the way home, but is good for making me run faster!


to do lists….

To do lists….for me can be both good (as a reminder of things I want to get done) and bad (as they remind me of the things I didn't get done)!  So this year over Christmas I decided to keep things simple, I put two things on my list; to sew something and to make some bread. The recipe for the bread, a Cardamon Wreath, was from SCB at 3191 Miles Apart; I never usually get round to making bread, it always feels like there isn't enough time, but this recipe was straight forward.  As suggested I made the sweet dough the night before, left it in the fridge and it was ready to go in the oven the next morning, so breakfast was warm sweet cardamon bread…yum.

And I managed to get my sewing machine out!

The pattern for the doll is by Emily Martin (the pattern can be found at this Martha Stewart link, which Leigh from Found, now home posted);  Emily's gorgeous dolls can be seen on her blog, Inside A Black Apple.

I also made a whale to go with this lovely book The Storm Whale by Benji Davies; I made the pattern up, hence the whale has a slightly large head, I'll shave a bit off next time. I was tempted to keep the book, it is such a lovely story!


made ….. and gifted

A few things made it off the needles in time to be gifted for Christmas.  The pattern for the gloves was from Pom Pom (issue 6) - Hierro by Kelly Ashfiled; the mini pine tree pattern is by Julie Tarsha; the Home Sweet Home tea cosy pattern is by Julia Marsh and the wonderful owl pattern (I hope to make more) is from Ella Austin of BomBella .



Today we went running again around the forest; well I say run but technically it more of a jog!  Bbrrrr…it was cold and frosty (even the sand was crispy in places) but the light through the trees was stunning.  I didn't manage to keep up with the mister this time; he talks about being in the 'zone' when running, I don't think I'll ever be there but very occasionally I find for a moment or two I've stopped thinking about putting one foot in front of the other and my mind has wandered some where else.  We felt very virtuous afterwards so headed to the Parlour Cafe for brunch!


one foot in front of another

Yesterday we went for a run through the forest by the beach, somehow running has a got just a little bit easier I even managed to keep up with the mister for a while!


once more around the sun …….

Goodbye 2013, you were complete in your devastation.